Greener Pastures

In order for Tanzania to continue to provide enough high-quality food for its population, which is expanding by more than a million people annually, major progress must be achieved in this area. Sector expansion is an absolute necessity, not a luxury.


Enhance and promote the provision of education, training, skills, the guidance of appropriate and required best practices for the uplifting of horticulture production and environmental conservation.

Promote and advocate programs that strengthen the authorities on the protection of clean and safe water and horticulture for socio-economic development.

Promote protection of the environment that allows the sustainability of horticultural activities to ensure food, nutrition, and economic security.

Promote entrepreneurship to the community, strengthening youth and women groups to enhance economic freedom and sustainability.

Encourage the conservation of the environment and the sustainable management of natural resources.

Solicit and plan the mobilization of internal and external resources for community development initiatives.

The relief of poverty or distress of the targeted beneficiaries.

Improvement of infrastructures that favors horticulture production and environmental conservation.

Featured Nursery

Species and varieties available at the Katesi Foundation Center in Arusha. Items listed are for pick-up only and cannot be shipped from our center.

Artemisia - Sweet Wormwood

There is current research and findings that suggest that Artemisia annua provides protection and recovery from different species of Malaria parasites

Avacado - Persea Americana

Avacadoes are grown primarily for their fruit, which are rich in healthy fats and vitamins. Plants grown from seeds will not maintain the same quality of fruit as the parent plant, but may be grafted to express a certain variety.

Cherimoya, Cherimola, Tope Tope - Annona cherimola

Cherimola trees are grown for their white-fleshed, sweet fruits. The species is somewhat shrubby and spreading, growing to a medium height of 8 to 10m tall. Trees grow best in mild-temperature climates and are not well suited for lowland environments.

Mango - Mangifera indica

Mangoes are tropical tall trees best known for their fruit production. Many varieties of mangoes exist and scions from a preferred variety may be grafted onto rootstock. Mangoes should be planted into well-drained, slightly acidic soil in full sun.

Our Mission & Vision


To improve the standard of living in the underdeveloped, unhealthy society of the targeted community by developing socio-economic empowerment through horticulture initiatives, environmental conservation guidance and resources.


An outstanding organization that is committed to developing horticulture and addressing climate changes issues in order to advance Tanzania’s environmental conservation.

Nursery Catalogue